The human foot is complex, with many bones, joints and muscles working together to allow for movement and balance. According to foot reflexology, there are 15 pressure points (also called acupoints) on each foot that correspond with specific organs and body parts. Stimulating these points through massage, acupressure or reflexology is believed to promote relaxation, relieve pain and stimulate internal organs. Go here
Here are a few of the most commonly cited pressure points in feet and the ailments that they’re believed to treat:
Pressure point LI-4: This acupoint is located about an inch below the adjoining web of your big and second toes on the outer side of your foot. It’s believed to ease headache, lumbar pain, eye diseases, high blood pressure and intestinal issues.
Arch of the Foot: This broad area is connected to various parts of the body, including the internal organs and the spine
A complication of walking, plantar fasciitis is an inflammation that causes stabbing pain in the heel. The pressure point in the webbing between your big toe and second toe is believed to relieve this condition by encouraging the flow of energy in your legs, which helps reduce pain and swelling.
Back pain:
The acupoint that’s found in the indention between your Achilles tendon and the top of the inner bony bump on your ankle (medial malleolus) is believed to alleviate back pain and strengthen the immune system. The acupoint in the webbing between your big toes and the one in the middle of the arch are also thought to help with back pain.