What is a Stock Option Alert?

stock option alert

A stock option alert is an electronic message that gives you the right to buy or sell a specific stock. Typically, a stock option alert begins with the stock ticker, for example, PSX for the Phillips 66 options trade, followed by “Sept16” or “75” as the expiration date and “Call” as the type of bet.

Stock King Options: Best Options Trading Alert Services

These alerts are sent via email, text messages, and push notifications. The more avenues an alert service offers, the better for the consumer. It is also best to have your alert service open at the same time as your trading platform. This way, you won’t miss any important market information. When you receive a notification, you’re more likely to make the right investment.

Some stock option alert | King Trading Systems can also let you know when certain conditions occur, such as an upcoming expiration or an earnings release. You can also use an alert to receive a sell recommendation when a stock reaches a specific threshold. Some services also have educational materials to help you make informed decisions. These alerts are a great way to keep track of your options, and to stay on top of market moves.

A popular option trading alert service is Optionsonar. It has an impressive educational package and an impressive track record. While it’s not free, its monthly fee is very affordable at $999 a year. It blurs the lines between a stock option alert service and a stock analysis service, which makes it ideal for those who are just getting started in options trading.


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